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Recently published current stock reports:

17.03.2017 RB 47 >> Acquisition of the company's shares
17.03.2017 RB 46 >> Decline in total votes
17.03.2017 RB 45 >> Correction of the list of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at EGM on 14 March 2017.
14.03.2017 RB 44 >> Lack of legitimacy of the decision to discontinue the sanctioning procedure of the Company
14.03.2017 RB 43 >> List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at EGM on 14 March 2017.
14.03.2017 RB 42 >> Resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Alma Market S.A. In restructuring on March 14, 2017
03.03.2017 RB 41 >> Resolution of the Management Board of KDPW S.A. On accepting Alma Market S.A. shares from KDPW. In the restructuring of the H series
01.03.2017 RB 40 >> Change of the date of submission of the annual report and the consolidated annual report for 2016
20.02.2017 RB 39 >> Conclusion of the lease agreement of an organized part of the Company's business
16.02.2017 RB 38 >> Rejection by the court's request for a Council of Creditors
16.02.2017 RB 37 >> Rejection by the court a request for consent to zawacie lease agreement of an organized part of the Company together with the right of first refusal
16.02.2017 RB 36 >> The expression approvals by the court at the conclusion of the lease agreement of an organized part of business and to sell stocks of commodity
15.02.2017 RB 35 >> The notice of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of ALMA MARKET SA restructuring and draft resolutions for the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of ALMA MARKET SA in restructuring
14.02.2017 RB 34 >> Filing for bankruptcy Issuer
14.02.2017 RB 33 >> Correction of the current report No. 32/2017 RB
13.02.2017 RB 32 >> The decision to prepare a petition for bankruptcy of the Issuer
13.02.2017 RB 31 >> No need to adjudicate the rehabilitation of the Issuer
09.02.2017 RB 30 >> Increasing involvement in overall number of votes
07.02.2017 RB 29 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes, a change notification of transactions filed under Art. 19 MAR
07.02.2017 RB 28 >> Registration of changes in the Articles of Association, changing the share capital of the Company and to establish uniform text of the Articles of Association of the Company
06.02.2017 RB 27 >> Resignation of a Supervisory Board member Alma Market SA restructuring
03.02.2017 RB 26 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes
02.02.2017 RB 25 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes
01.02.2017 RB 24 >> Resignation of Supervisory Board members
30.01.2017 RB 23 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes
30.01.2017 RB 22 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes
30.01.2017 RB 21 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
30.01.2017 RB 20 >> May request to discontinue the proceedings the rehabilitation.
26.01.2017 RB 19 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
25.01.2017 RB 18 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes
25.01.2017 RB 17 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
24.01.2017 RB 16 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes
24.01.2017 RB 15 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
24.01.2017 RB 14 >> Dates of periodical reports in 2017
23.01.2017 RB 13 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
20.01.2017 RB 12 >> The adjustment to the current report No. RB 11/2017
20.01.2017 RB 11 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
20.01.2017 RB 10 >> Confidential information about the planned further redundancies
17.01.2017 RB 09 >> Submitting an application to the court for permission to zawacie lease agreement of an organized part of the Company
13.01.2017 RB 08 >> Registration of changes in the Articles of Association of the Company and to establish uniform text of the Articles of Association of the Company
13.01.2017 RB 07 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
11.01.2017 RB 06 >> The decrease in involvement in overall number of votes
11.01.2017 RB 05 >> Payment of the shares of the new issue of Series H
10.01.2017 RB 04 >> Information on transactions in shares of the Company acquired pursuant to Art. 19 MAR
05.01.2017 RB 03 >> List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGM on 4 January 2017.
04.01.2017 RB 02 >> The adjustment to the current report No. 42/2017 RB
04.01.2017 RB 01 >> Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Alma Market SA the restructuring on 4 January 2017
15.12.2016 RB 41 >> Opening of restructuring the Issuer and dismiss the bankruptcy of the Issuer
13.12.2016 RB 40 >> Supplementing the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting on the request of the Shareholder
12.12.2016 RB 39 >> Solution subsidiary
12.12.2016 RB 38 >> Solution subsidiary
05.12.2016 RB 37 >> The notice of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of ALMA MARKET SA and draft resolutions for the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of ALMA MARKET SA
25.11.2016 RB 36 >> Solution subsidiary
16.11.2016 RB 35 >> List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGSM on 15 November 2016.
15.11.2016 RB 34 >> Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Shareholders` Meeting of Alma Market SA on 15 November 2016; changes in the composition of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board
14.11.2016 RB 33 >> Cancellation of financial forecasts for 2016 Alma Market SA
07.11.2016 RB 32 >> Confidential information about the planned further redundancies
19.10.2016 RB 31 >> The notice of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of ALMA MARKET SA and draft resolutions for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ALMA MARKET SA
18.10.2016 RB 30 >> Confidential information about questioning the validity of the termination of contracts of Credit and non-repayment of the Loan Agreements
14.10.2016 RB 29 >> Confidential information concerning the submission by the Company of an application for bankruptcy
12.10.2016 RB 28 >> The transfer to the public confidential information concerning the security of the debtor's assets Alma Market SA
11.10.2016 RB 27 >> Termination of contracts loan
22.09.2016 RB 26 >> Resignation of Board member Alma Market SA
21.09.2016 RB 25 >> The transfer to make public information concerning the confidential submission by the creditor's application for bankruptcy including liquidation of assets and the application of common recognize the request for opening of restructuring proceedings.
21.09.2016 RB 24 >> The transfer to make public the confidential information relating to planned major redundancies in the Company
16.09.2016 RB 23 >> Correction forecasts of financial results for 2016 Alma Market SA
15.09.2016 RB 22 >> Confidential information concerning the request for the opening of the restructuring proceedings against the Company in the process of initiating restructuring
15.09.2016 RB 21 >> Delayed disclosure of inside information on filing a motion for initiating restructuring proceedings with regard to the Issuer as part of the Issuer’s restructuring under the Restructuring Law Act.
05.08.2016 RB 20 >> A review of strategic options for Alma Market SA
05.08.2016 RB 19 >> Signing of annexes to agreements for working capital loans with mBank SA
29.07.2016 RB 18 >> Change of publishing date of the extended consolidated report for the first half of 2016




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NIP: 676-001-67-31
REGON: 350511695

Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa Śródmieścia w Krakowie (Central Krakow District Court),
XI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego (11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register),
KRS (national court register number): 0000019474,
total initial capital: 11 060 990 zł – paid in full.