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Cooking is not only about tasting and creating meals, but also about discovering cultures and diversities as well as expressing one’s creativity.

By getting to know various culinary traditions, we can discover the people, their history, customs and lifestyles. We encourage you to taste our exquisite and proven recipes as well as to use the knowledge and experience of our experts. The DOLCE VITA magazine allows you to discover the best tastes as well as current culinary, fashion and lifestyle trends.

Wrap z serem stracchino i rukolą

A+ A-
  • 1 placek wrap
  • 100 g sera stacchino
  • rukola


Rozłożyć ser na placku wrap zawinąć i włożyć do gorącego piekarnika na 5 minut, następnie rozwinąć, dołożyć rukolę i zwinąć z powrotem.

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  • Rukola
  • Ser stracchino
  • Wrap
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  • Halibut with wild mushrooms

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