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Cooking is not only about tasting and creating meals, but also about discovering cultures and diversities as well as expressing one’s creativity.

By getting to know various culinary traditions, we can discover the people, their history, customs and lifestyles. We encourage you to taste our exquisite and proven recipes as well as to use the knowledge and experience of our experts. The DOLCE VITA magazine allows you to discover the best tastes as well as current culinary, fashion and lifestyle trends.

Krem z pomidorów

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  • 1 opakowanie pomidorów w puszce lub kilka świeżych pomidorów średniej wielkości
  • 1 cebula
  • 1 ząbek czosnku
  • kilka listków świeżej bazylii
  • 1 łyżka jogurtu naturalnego


Zeszklić cebulę pokrojoną w kostkę, dodać obrane i pokrojone w kostkę pomidory, czosnek, posiekaną bazylię, sól i pieprz. Wymieszać, dodać ok. 2 szklanki wody i gotować przez 20 minut. Następnie wszystko zmiksować. Ponownie podgrzać na małym ogniu. Dodać jogurt naturalny. Przed podaniem posypać natką pietruszki.

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  • Bazylia
  • Cebula
  • Pomidory z puszki
  • Czosnek
  • Jogurt naturalny
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  • Home-made muesli – a healthy start every day

  • Buckwheat with pomegranate

  • Stuffed mushrooms

  • Basil – lemon balm pesto

Also recommended

  • Plum jam

    Pour sugar over plums in a pot, cover and put in the oven pre-heated to 100°C for 8 hours. Uncover the pot after 3 hours. Roast the walnuts in a dry pan and...

  • Couscous with vegetables

    Chop onion, the peppers cut into larger pieces. Stir-fry vegetables in olive oil with coriander, season and baste with broth. Add couscous. Cook for 5...

  • Lamb Kofta in pita pockets

    Mix the minced meat with garammasala. Shape into small Kofta, grill on a grill pan for a few minutes. At the end sprinkle meat with honey in order to...

  • Feta salad

    Cut the olives in half. Toss the cheese and olives with cherry tomatoes and sliced cucumber. Mix the olive oil with ¼ teaspoon of dried oregano. Drizzle the...
