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Cooking is not only about tasting and creating meals, but also about discovering cultures and diversities as well as expressing one’s creativity.

By getting to know various culinary traditions, we can discover the people, their history, customs and lifestyles. We encourage you to taste our exquisite and proven recipes as well as to use the knowledge and experience of our experts. The DOLCE VITA magazine allows you to discover the best tastes as well as current culinary, fashion and lifestyle trends.

Szaszłyk wegetariański

A+ A-
  • Papryka (czerwona, zielona, żółta) - 3 szt.
  • Pomidory - 3 szt
  • Cebula - 3 - 4 szt
  • Cukinia - 2 - 3 szt (małe)
  • Kolby kukurydzy - 2 - 3 szt
  • Bejca:
  • Oliwa - 2 łyżki
  • Sos sojowy - 2 łyżki
  • Pieprz ziołowy - 1 łyżeczka
  • Czosnek - kilka ząbków
  • Sól


W miseczce wymieszaj składniki bejcy. Na metalowe lub drewniane szpadki nabijaj po kolei kawałki warzyw, posmaruj bejcą i odstaw na 15-20 minut. Przed opiekaniem na rozgrzanym grillu posmaruj szaszłyki jeszcze raz bejcą, możesz powtórzyć to także podczas grillowania aby warzywa zachowały soczystość. Grilluj do miękkości warzyw.

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  • Cebula
  • Cukinia
  • Czosnek
  • Sos sojowy
  • Sól
  • Kukurydza
  • Oliwa
  • Papryka
  • Pieprz mielony
  • Pomidory

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  • Champion hamburgers

  • Garlic shrimps with avocado

  • Home-made donuts

  • Angel wings

Also recommended

  • Plum jam

    Pour sugar over plums in a pot, cover and put in the oven pre-heated to 100°C for 8 hours. Uncover the pot after 3 hours. Roast the walnuts in a dry pan and...

  • Watermelon granita

    Warm water in a pot, add sugar, stir until it melts, and leave it to chill. Finely chop mint or lemon balm leaves, spare a couple of leaves for garnish. Peel...

  • Salad with couscous and olives

    Pour water 1 cm above the level of couscous, season with salt and let stand, covered, occasionally stirring. Cut olives into slices. Avocado and cucumber...

  • Futomaki – sushi

    Prepare sushi rice by following the instructions on the package. Cut the cucumber and tuna into long sticks. Put a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat. Spread...
