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Cooking is not only about tasting and creating meals, but also about discovering cultures and diversities as well as expressing one’s creativity.

By getting to know various culinary traditions, we can discover the people, their history, customs and lifestyles. We encourage you to taste our exquisite and proven recipes as well as to use the knowledge and experience of our experts. The DOLCE VITA magazine allows you to discover the best tastes as well as current culinary, fashion and lifestyle trends.

Mini kanapki z serem pleśniowym i krewetkami

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  • 10 krewetek w zalewie
  • 10 słonych krakersów
  • plastry sera pleśniowego np. brie
  • sok z cytryny
  • sól
  • biały pieprz
  • koperek
  • roszponka
  • pomidorki koktajlowe


Ser przyprawić solą, pieprzem i sokiem z cytryny, ma mieć wyraźnie pikantno-kwaśny smak. Na krakersie ułożyć warstwę sera, wbić w niego po kilku minutach (krakers lekko zwilgotnieje) wykałaczkę z nabitą krewetką, ozdobić gałązką koperku lub roszponki i pomidorem koktajlowym. Ser brie można zastąpić plasterkiem sera koziego, krewetki owocem, wędzonym łososiem.

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  • Ser brie
  • Cytryny
  • Roszponka
  • Sól
  • Koperek
  • Krakersy
  • Krewetki
  • Pieprz biały
  • Pomidory koktajlowe
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  • Tabbouleh

  • Garlic shrimps with avocado

  • Oriental iced tea

  • Couscous with vegetables

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    For the dressing: gradually mix the lemon juice with olive oil and crushed garlic until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the tomatoes in halves and...

  • Mold cheese and shrimp canapés

    Season the cheese with salt, pepper and lemon juice to achieve a distinct hot and sour flavour. Place a slice of cheese on a cracker, pin a toothpick with a...

  • Lamb Kofta in pita pockets

    Mix the minced meat with garammasala. Shape into small Kofta, grill on a grill pan for a few minutes. At the end sprinkle meat with honey in order to...

  • Apple muffins

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