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Cooking is not only about tasting and creating meals, but also about discovering cultures and diversities as well as expressing one’s creativity.

By getting to know various culinary traditions, we can discover the people, their history, customs and lifestyles. We encourage you to taste our exquisite and proven recipes as well as to use the knowledge and experience of our experts. The DOLCE VITA magazine allows you to discover the best tastes as well as current culinary, fashion and lifestyle trends.


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  • ciasto drożdżowe według własnego przepisu
  • 1 kg maku
  • 10 dag margaryny lub masła
  • 60 dag cukru
  • olejek migdałowy
  • 4 jajka
  • 1 łyżka miodu


Mak opłukać i sparzyć, moczyć przez 2 godziny. Następnie zmielić z cukrem i margaryną. Do maku dodać olejek i ubitą pianę z 3 białek. Dokładnie wszystko wymieszać. Ciasto drożdżowe ułożyć na stole, posmarować białkiem, wyłożyć masą i zawinąć w roladę. Piec do złotego koloru.

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  • Cukier
  • Jajka
  • Masło
  • Miód
  • Mak
  • Olejek migdałowy

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  • Fish in jelly

  • Ciabatt with steak, gucamole nad cheese

  • Onion Rings

  • Cherry muffins

Also recommended

  • Gazpacho – Spanish soup (3-4 servings)

    Chop the bell peppers (remove the seeds), onion, unpeeled cucumber, peeled tomatoes and crushed garlic. Add tomato sauce to the chopped vegetables and blend...

  • Short loin, pepper and onion skewers

    Dice the short loin into 1.5 cm cubes and coat in spices: salt, pepper, ground coriander, ground cumin. Bake the peppers in the oven until the skin gets...

  • Chicken with celery

    Wash the lettuce thoroughly, tear into bite-size pieces and pun in a bowl. Dice the meat and chop the celery in small pieces. Toss with meat and put in the...

  • Homemade pâté

    Put the meat, cleaned vegetables and mushrooms into a pot with water, season and simmer over a low heat. Add salt about halfway through the cooking. Add the...



  • Z krzewu do filiżanki

    Kiedyś uważano ją za szatański...

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  • Świat według Julii

    Na własnym ciele pokazywała,...

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