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Cooking is not only about tasting and creating meals, but also about discovering cultures and diversities as well as expressing one’s creativity.

By getting to know various culinary traditions, we can discover the people, their history, customs and lifestyles. We encourage you to taste our exquisite and proven recipes as well as to use the knowledge and experience of our experts. The DOLCE VITA magazine allows you to discover the best tastes as well as current culinary, fashion and lifestyle trends.

Miodowa sałatka z łososiem

A+ A-
  • 1 filet łososia
  • tacka groszku cukrowego
  • 4 łyżki migdałów w płatkach
  • 1 sałata rzymska
  • 1 łyżka Musztardy Miodowej
  • sok i skórka z połowy cytryny
  • 4 łyżki oliwy z oliwek extra virgin
  • sól
  • pieprz


Groszek blanszujemy, migdały opiekamy na patelni. Gotujemy łososia w osolonej wodzie i dzielimy go na kawałki. Mieszamy musztardę z oliwą sokiem z cytryny i przyprawami tworząc sos. Składniki łączymy z porwaną sałatą, polewamy sosem i lekko mieszamy. Podajemy z bagietką.

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  • Sałata rzymska
  • Cytryny
  • Groszek
  • Sól
  • Filet z łososia
  • Musztarda
  • Migdały
  • Oliwa
  • Pieprz biały
  • Pieprz mielony

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or search in recipes

  • Italian gazpacho with burrata

  • Grilled steak with foie gras

  • Gluten-free pasta with chicken and Gorgonzola cheese

  • Fried carp

Also recommended

  • Fried carp

    Clean and wash the fish, cut off fins and head, divide into pieces and season. Crumb with egg and breadcrumbs and brown in olive. Next put the fish in a...

  • Spaghetti with tomato sauce

    Heat tomato pulp in a pot. Cook the pasta in plenty of water for 5-6 minutes. When al dente, drain and put in the pot again. Add the sauce, olive oil and...

  • Italian pizza with vegetables and Tomino cheese in olive oil with pepper

    Mix all dough ingredients together, knead and roll out dough into pizza shape. Spread the vegetables and mozzarella onto the pizza dough. Bake at 180°C for...

  • Cream of tomato soup

    Sauté the chopped onion until translucent, add peeled and chopped tomatoes, garlic, chopped basil, salt and pepper. Mix together, add 2 cups of water and...



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  • Włoskie sery przysmak bogów

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