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Cooking is not only about tasting and creating meals, but also about discovering cultures and diversities as well as expressing one’s creativity.

By getting to know various culinary traditions, we can discover the people, their history, customs and lifestyles. We encourage you to taste our exquisite and proven recipes as well as to use the knowledge and experience of our experts. The DOLCE VITA magazine allows you to discover the best tastes as well as current culinary, fashion and lifestyle trends.

Chłodnik z moreli

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  • 10 dojrzałych moreli
  • 1 szklanka mleka
  • 6 łyżek słodkiej śmietany
  • 2 płaskie łyżeczki cukru – do smaku
  • 1 łyżeczka soku z cytryny


Morele sparzyć i obrać ze skórki, pokroić na kawałki (2-3 dojrzałe sztuki zostawić do dekoracji). Do głębokiej miski wrzucić owoce, wlać zimne mleko i śmietanę, sok z cytryny, dodać ewentualnie cukier do smaku. Wszystko razem zmiksować. jeśli krem będzie za gęsty – dolać śmietanę lub mleko. Zupę wylać na wcześniej schłodzone w zamrażalniku talerze lub do miseczek, udekorować połówkami moreli, podawać z grzankami, przygotowanymi z białego pszennego pieczywa, przyrumienionymi na maśle na patelni.

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  • Cukier
  • Cytryny
  • Słodka śmietana
  • Mleko
  • Morele
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  • Insalata Caprese

  • Cold peach soup

  • Roasted pork loin

  • Scamorza cheese and figs salad

Also recommended

  • Insalata Caprese

    For the dressing: gradually mix the lemon juice with olive oil and crushed garlic until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the tomatoes in halves and...

  • Cod with asparagus

    Rinse the asparagus spears, cut off the ends and blanch in salted water. Melt the butter in a pan and sauté the onion with garlic. Add salt and ground...

  • Fried Pizzicotti

    Dredge the cheese pieces in beaten egg, flour, and then again in the egg and in breadcrumbs. Fry in very hot oil, dry using a kitchen towel and serve...

  • Bread with green and black olives

    Toss flour and salt together, add yeast, gradually add water and olive and knead the dough by hand, with a spoon or a mixer until soft and elastic. At the...



  • Zacisze gwiazd

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