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Go shopping and travelling with Alma Delicatessen and LOT Polish Airlines
Would you like to fly to your favourite place in Europe in exchange for shopping? Alma Delicatessen and LOT Polish Airlines invite you to take part in the “Get tickets for shopping” competition.
On 22nd September LOT Polish Airlines and Alma Delicatessen launched a competition for their customers. 32 double tickets to any European destination that LOT flies to and additionally 100,000 Miles & More frequent flyer miles await the winners.
Anyone who buys at least 100 PLN worth of products at any Alma store or alma24.pl Internet store between 22nd September and 19th October is eligible to participate in the competition. The participants are also required to fill in a coupon with a question that needs to be answered and leave it at a Customer Service Centre
The prizes are really very attractive: 32 double tickets to any European destination that LOT planes fly to as well as 100 Miles & More frequent flyer packages, 1,000miles each.
LOT Polish Airlines and Alma Delicatessen began their cooperation a few years ago. All year round members of the Connoisseurs Club, Alma’s loyalty program, can exchange points they have collected for Miles & More mileage.
Alma Delicatessen is a chain of 30 retail stores located in Poland’s largest cities. Apart from basic groceries available at reasonable prices it also offers a wide selection of imported products delivered exclusively to Alma. In 2011 three new Alma stores are going to be opened in Szczecin, Kraków and in Warsaw’s district Bemowo. Alma Delicatessen also operates an Internet store, alma24.pl.