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Deni Cler



Deni Cler – The Essence of Feminity


Deni Cler brand was born in 1972 in Milan. The first Deni Cler boutique was opened in Montenapoleone Street, the home of the greatest Italian fashion houses. In 1991 Deni Cler entered the Polish market and has been expanding its distribution network in Poland ever since.


Deni Cler’s Italian origins are reflected in every collection. Deni Cler is defined by bold designs, elegant lines, lightness of design, Italian fabrics and classy accessories.


Deni Cler brand appeals to independent women aware of their style who are looking for a mix of classic elegance and the latest trends in fashion.


Every year, in collaboration with Italian designers, Deni Cler prepares two fashion collections. Each of them is unique , features exquisite fabrics and top quality materials and is accompanied by a line of stylish and exclusive accessories: shoes, belts, handbags and jewellery.   


Currently Deni Cler Milano has 30 showrooms in prestigious locations in the largest cities in Poland.


Deni Cler Milano has designed and made a unique line of products specially for the Connoisseurs Club and offers a 30 per cent discount on purchases made at Deni Cler stores.